We have the hottest evil angel free videos and a hot gallery to go with it. David Perry is a big fan of Halloween and this year he is wearing an Elvis outfit. The girls started mocking him once they saw him, but then he got this brilliant idea. He challenged the girls to find a better costume that his, if he lost he would go costumed in any thing the girls wanted, but if he won he got to fuck the girls. They were pretty of them so they accepted the bet, the sad part, for them at least, is that they didn’t find anything good to wear. David knew the girls didn’t have anything in the house, or nothing they would wear outside the house, so for him it was kind of a sure bet. And this is how David Perry got really lucky on Halloween and got to fuck the gorgeous blondes. We told you it was his lucky day.
Blonde Hotties Getting Fucked by a Fake Elvis!
David Perry
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